... the bones. Believe it or not, massage therapists can impact the skeletal system directly. Bones and ligaments hold tension and stress (commonly called "knots") just like soft tissues. Bones are not dry, dead, inflexible structures. They are vibrant, pliable and perform so many vital functions that give us life in addition to providing structure and protection for vital organs. ZB practitioners apply direct acupressure to bones as well as gentle traction to joints to help energy flow more freely through the skeleton. As a result, clients can feel more grounded, relaxed, organized and unified at the deepest level of who they are. Because ZB works so deeply in the body, it can affect more superficial energy flows as well as tissues attached to bones like ligaments, tendons/muscles and fascia. The effects of ZB also last longer than traditional massage therapy, and typically take longer for the body to integrate. The end result of ZB is that at the skeletal level, we function as a single unit than 206 separate bones.
...the deep healing and the deep peace. Tension held in bones can often relate to patterns of movement and events from earlier in life. Bones can hold ancestral, communal as well as early life trauma. Working in the bones can bring relief from long held tension and patterns of thinking and behaving that once served to protect us but no longer do. It can help people expand the limits of their capacity to heal and live whole, far beyond what they can imagine. It can bring about a deep internal quietude and grounding as the physical body harmonizes with the mind and the spirit.
...the off switch. I amazed often how easily and quickly clients receiving ZB knock out and/or enter an expanded state. It's seems to happen with little effort and great ease. This work is so gentle, but so deep. When tension that old and deep begins to release, the body seems to let go with little resistance. Often the room becomes very still and quiet.